Membership of Claudia Jones Organisation enables you to influence the direction of the organisation, hear the latest news and support our work. Membership is free.

Rest of the text like thisMembers also recieve a range of benefits including:

  • Discounts on events, outings and activities
  • Regular newsletters and updates
  • Attendance at the AGM and public meetings.

Interested in becoming a member? Fill out a Membership Application Form below.

Some more text can go here. Sed varius iaculis orci, ut tincidunt tellus hendrerit sit amet.

Nunc felis neque, feugiat eu lacus ac, elementum pharetra velit. Fusce enim nisi, condimentum semper nunc eget, fermentum porta nulla. Maecenas vehicula a mauris in faucibus. Curabitur ac velit euismod urna luctus gravida. Nunc id auctor ligula. Nullam blandit rhoncus turpis vel eleifend.

Application Form


Application Form

* Please indicate the ways in which you are happy for us to contact you