Cover your tracks

Helping you

to a better place

Helping you

to a better place

Helping you

to a better place

Helping you

to a better place

Helping you

to a better place

Over 30 years supporting
individuals and families

Claudia Jones Organisation was established in 1982. Primarily, the organisation supports and empowers women and families of African Caribbean heritage. We aim to provide culturally sensitive services that meet the needs of these women and families.

How Can we help?

About us

Claudia Jones Organisation has been supporting women and families for over 30 years.

Our services

Our services support people to say what they want, gain access to the services they need.

Support us

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What’s On

Make a donation

Claudia Jones Organisation relies on the support our community and other donors to continue their contribution to the work we do to make a real difference to people’s lives.

We are trying to increase the amount of money we make for ouselves to ensure our financial sustainability. However, we still rely on kind donors and funder for money.